Support Astronomers for Planet Earth

We are particularly glad for recurring donations, as they allow us to plan regular expenses.

We also receive donations directly to our Euro bank account: IBAN: DE33 3702 0500 0020 1705 91, BIC: BFSWDE33XXX.

Donations are processed through our legal charity Astronomers for Planet Earth e.V., located in Germany. Ask friends and family to donate, too!

For German residents: Please use your bank statement together with this PDF document to make your donations to A4E tax deductible. For donations exceeding 300 €, please provide your full address (e.g. via e-mail to and we will send you an individual receipt during the first quarter of the following year.

Tax-deductible donations in the USA may also be received through our Donation Portal at San Francisco State University.

We are working towards making donations tax deductible in more countries, soon.

Your funds will be directed towards the following activities:

A4E Website Development
Resource and Content Development and Management
A4E Videos and Webinars

Thank you!

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