Become A Member

Membership Registration

A4E invites astronomy students, educators, amateurs and scientists to register. Our free membership allows you to: Receive our community newsletter and contribute to our Blog; Join our Slack space to participate in a global community and engage in dialogue, planning & organizing; View our webinars and participate in regular Q&A’s with special guests; Utilize and contribute to resources in our Members Only Area; And finally, add your name to the public Wall of Partners. 

Member Flow – Signup

A note to existing members:
If you need to update your personal information,
please do not use this form. Message Us. Thank you.

Note: By astronomy we mean astronomy/astrophysics/space science/planetary science.
Would you like to participate in our community?
Click “Yes” for more options.

Are you willing to share your email with other members of A4E?
Would you like your name to be added to our public Wall Of Partners?

Please use the following 3-5 lines to enter your information as you would like it displayed on the public Wall of Partners. Please feel free to use your preferred language. Minor tweaks may be made by our team.

Would you like to receive correspondence from us?
Click “Yes” for more options.

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Would you like to view the Members Only Areas of our Website?
Click “Yes” for more options.

Click to agree to our Terms & Conditions.

Join Us

A4E invites scientists, astronomy educators, amateurs and students to join in the effort to combat the climate crisis from an astronomical perspective.
Summer Milky Way, Thoreau, NM. J. Lowenthal

Support Us

Help us to address climate change
from an astronomical perspective.