Tag: Reports from the project groups

A4E connects astronomers from all over the world to fight for sustainability
The fully virtual A4E symposium, organized by Sarah Wagner, Beatriz Mingo, and many many helpers within A4E was a great success! We had more than 500 registered participants and vivid discussions in the individual
A4E members active in Australia and Oceania
A4E was presented by Adam at the CAP 2022 conference, held in Sydney.  A longer version of the presentation was also given as a seminar hosted at HAA Victoria but to the wider Canadian
Active A4E members in North America
The regional group meetings restarted in September after a break in July and August.  Meetings are now on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month at 10 am Pacific time.  Several new faces
Standing together in A4E - Hands Joined for Earth
The new system for the intake of new members is now working well, and is much easier to use than the previous method, such that intake is now usually occurring daily. Unfortunately, not all
Our new website, launched on Earth Day, April 20, 2022
Ongoing work covers the re-assigning of old resources to the new categories. We outlined a plan for a Members Only Resource area that should be implemented soon. A new resource submission form for members
The A4E symposium connects astronomers from all over the world to fight for sustainability
The A4E Symposium is planned for November 28 – December 2 as a purely virtual meeting that should, of course, lead by example. All A4E members and externals caring about sustainability are invited. Goals
Actionable Hope: An Interdisciplinary Discussion for a Thriving World
A4E North America Friday meetings are informal, with the agenda driven by members who come to the meetings.  In the spring, members decided to devote half of each meeting to making phone calls and
Scene from the A4E video "Earthrise"
Two of Steve and Jessica Agnos’ most recent short films were produced for Earth Day and World Oceans Day — Earthrise and Oceans of Our Solar System.  In May, they were invited to showcase
University Life can be more sustainable
Sarah Wagner and Christoph Wendel decided on getting active for more sustainability at the chair of astronomy in Würzburg by writing an open letter to local representatives – on the one hand politicians and
A4E member distribution across Europe (statistics from April 2022)
Recent meetings included presentations by Olivier Berné about the Labos1p5 collective in France, and discussion about reactions and the way forward from Jürgen Knödlseder’s paper about the carbon footprint of astronomical research infrastructures .