Be the Change

More Ideas for Action ...

As astronomy professionals, students and amateurs...

We teach! In planetariums and science museums around the world, in secondary schools, colleges, and universities, and through outreach to our local communities. Our field of study, by its very nature, places our planet in perspective, and helps us understand its crucial importance to the survival and well-being of life as we know it. Let’s harness this perspective, along with our training as scientists, to take action for the Earth.

  • Include material on climate change in the educational work that you do. Check out our educational materials!

  • Support or join scientific organizations focused on climate change.

  • Volunteer to provide scientific information on climate change to school and community groups.

  • Organize an Astronomers for Planet Earth event on or near Astronomy Day.

  • Become a member to share your ideas and materials about how to incorporate climate and solutions in astronomy-related contexts.

As Individuals...

We can all take action individually to combat climate change and support others who are doing likewise. Let’s help each other find ways to engage and make a difference now. Climate mobilization on a scale similar to the coordinated U.S. response of WWII is being discussed and may ultimately be required if there is not vigorous and immediate action.

Join Us

A4E invites scientists, astronomy educators, amateurs and students to join in the effort to combat the climate crisis from an astronomical perspective.
Summer Milky Way, Thoreau, NM. J. Lowenthal

Support Us

Help us to address climate change
from an astronomical perspective.