In Images

The Astronomical Perspective

Please use the following images (and their descriptions) to help evoke the astronomical perspective on climate in your talks, lectures and media. For NASA images, please see their media usage guidelines.  Regarding all other images, you may share and/or adapt them for any purpose under license CC BY-SA 4.0, but you must provide the credit & attribution indicated. Enjoy!

NASA - Christina Koch
Captured in 2019 by astronaut Christina Koch on the International Space Station, this image shows day transitioning into night. Also visible is Earth's delicate atmosphere, with a thickness of only 1.57% the Earth's radius.
This picture of a crescent-shaped Earth and Moon was the first ever image taken of the two together. Snapped by Voyager 1 when it was 11.66 million kilometers from Earth,  eastern Asia and the
NASA/JPL - Caltech
This picture of Earth was taken by the Voyager I spacecraft as it turned around for a 'self portrait.' Showing Earth as a single bright pixel in the vastness of space, it helps us
This image was snapped by the Apollo 11 crew from lunar orbit in 1969—385,000 kilometers from Earth. The lunar terrain is Smyth’s Sea on the nearside. Seen from space, Earth is a tiny, lonely

Contribute to the Cosmic Perspective Gallery

Members of the A4E community are invited to contribute their own personal photographs to this page—images in particular that evoke an astronomical perspective on our planet and its climate.

Images uploaded will be enjoyed by the public and downloaded under license CC BY-SA 4.0. Users of your image will be able to share and/or adapt it for any purpose, even commercially, while providing credit & attribution.

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A4E invites scientists, astronomy educators, amateurs and students to join in the effort to combat the climate crisis from an astronomical perspective.
Summer Milky Way, Thoreau, NM. J. Lowenthal

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from an astronomical perspective.